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Train depot in Gangzha reopens


Updated: 2020-02-27


The train depot in Xinfu subdistrict in Gangzha district, Nantong, Jiangsu province, reopened on Feb 22. [Photo/WeChat account: ntgzsd]

A train depot in Xinfu subdistrict in Gangzha district, Nantong, Jiangsu province, reopened on Feb 22. 

The depot is responsible for examining and maintaining trains. It provides services to trains on several rail lines, including the Shanghai-Nantong Railway and he Yancheng-Nantong High-Speed Rail.

The depot is equipped with a six-line examination site, 20 vehicle storage tracks, two manual washing tracks, a four-line examination site, and 16 vehicle storage tracks.

A supply of hand sanitizer, disinfectant, disposable gloves, and face masks are being offered to workers who return to work at the depot. Disinfection will be carried out before it begins operating. 

Workers must have their temperatures taken and record their health information before entering or exiting the depot. They are also required to sit separately during meals.

According to China Railway 24th Bureau Group, more workers from outside the city will return to work in batches after completing their quarantine period and receiving health examinations.