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Dairy farm in Hai'an undergoes transformation


Updated: 2022-11-23

The Xiangyang dairy farm in the Hai'an High Tech Zone has in recent years undergone a transformation and now relies on a mechanized feeding mode instead of the traditional, less efficient method of doing so.

This year, the dairy farm introduced four sets of automatic feeding systems that have helped reduce labor requirements by more than 50 percent while increasing milk output by more than 10 percent year-on-year.

Back in 2003, Xiangyang dairy farm had just 47 cows and was only able to produce six metric tons of milk per year.

In 2016, the dairy farm started to upgrade its facilities and embrace the use of technology. Since then, every cow in the dairy farm has been equipped with a smart collar that allows for real-time monitoring and intelligent feeding.

In 2021, the dairy farm invested more than 10 million yuan ($1.4 million) in intelligent equipment to improve milking efficiency and increase milk production.

Today, the dairy farm is home to 1,800 Holstein cows that produce 13.5 tons of milk every year.

The dairy farm has also cooperated with local farmers. More than 500 farmers have increased their income through this cooperation.


A set of intelligent milking equipment is seen in the Xiangyang dairy farm in Hai'an. [Photo/Nnatong Daily]