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Nantong establishes alliance for low-carbon environmental protection

en.nantong.gov.cn| July 22, 2024

Chongchuan district in Nantong, Jiangsu province, recently saw the establishment of the Low-Carbon Environmental Protection Industry Innovation Alliance's Special Committee, which took place at Jiangsu Jingyuan Environmental Protection Co Ltd on July 18.

During the conference, several experts delivered speeches in which they shared insights on new pollutant management, cutting-edge technological achievements, and practical case studies.

The committee members of the alliance were officially appointed during the event.

Comprising 15 experts, scholars, and representatives from businesses in the low-carbon environmental protection sector, the alliance aims to leverage its expert resources to continually engage both upstream and downstream enterprises along the industry chain.

By focusing on innovation, the alliance plans to facilitate collaborative research and innovation between member companies and domestic universities and research institutions. The goal is to effectively transfer and commercialize innovative technologies and achievements within the industrial chain.

The Chongchuan Economic Development Zone, located within the district, has already attracted a cluster of leading companies in the low-carbon environmental protection industry. Moving forward, efforts will be made to enhance services, optimize policies, and develop infrastructure to drive the growth of the low-carbon environmental protection industry.


The establishment of the Low-Carbon Environmental Protection Industry Innovation Alliance's Special Committee takes place at Jiangsu Jingyuan Environmental Protection Co Ltd on July 18. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]


The committee members of the alliance are officially appointed during the event. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]