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CCEDZ to add headquarters of medical company

en.nantong.gov.cn| September 22, 2023

A signing ceremony for the Eastern headquarters of Zhenhealth Technology Co Ltd was held in the Chongchuan Economic Development Zone, Nantong, Jiangsu province on Sept 18.

This headquarters is expected to fill a gap in the smart healthcare sector within the zone, marking a pivotal step forward for the local medical industry.

The headquarters, with a total investment exceeding 100 million yuan ($13.7 million), will be located in the Chongchuan East Intelligent Valley Park. It will include an optical and optoelectronic research and development center and a dust-free optical assembly production base, with an annual capacity of 100,000 retinal cameras.

The establishment of this headquarters aligns with the development direction of the zone. It will leverage its industrial advantages as a pharmaceutical enterprise headquarters, promote the growth of the medical industry through digital innovation, and foster comprehensive collaboration in areas such as capital, industry, research, and talent.

Zhenhealth Technology, founded in 2015, is an artificial intelligence eye health technology service provider. With years of expertise in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, and internet operation models, the company integrates and optimizes high-quality medical and healthcare resources from both domestic and international sources.


A signing ceremony for the Eastern headquarters of Zhizhenhealth Technology. [Photo/Nantong Daily]