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Ningqiang county showcase agricultural delights in Chongchuan

en.nantong.gov.cn| September 6, 2023

Chongchuan district in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, held a promotional event for agricultural products from Ningqian county in Shannxi province on Sept 5.

The promotional event featured over 10 local agricultural enterprises from Ningqiang, including a wide variety of items such as tea, traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, specialty foods, and intangible cultural heritage products.

During the event, presenters adorned in traditional Qiang ethnic attire introduced the rich assortment of agricultural products to attendees and invited guests to savor the local flavors.

In addition, five entities, including the Chongchuan district general workers' union, signed cooperation agreements with the Ningqiang to promote their local products at the event.

Since the establishment of the Chongchuan-Ningqiang partnership, Chongchuan has leveraged its geographical advantages, scientific and technological innovation, and talent resources to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Ningqiang in various fields, including agriculture, tourism, and education.

So far this year, Chongchuan has facilitated the purchase and sale of Ningqiang agricultural products worth 7.97 million yuan ($1.09 million).


Edible oil products from Ningqiang county showcased at the event. [Photo/Nantong Daily]