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Chongchuan facilitates local firm's expansion through innovative factory lease collaboration

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: September 18, 2024 L M S

With the coordination of the Gangzha Economic Development Zone in Nantong's Chongchuan district, CIMC Safeway Technologies Co Ltd, a subsidiary of China International Marine Containers (CIMC), has recently reached a preliminary agreement with Enze Machinery for the lease of a factory building.

This collaboration not only resolves the space issue for CIMC Safeway Technologies' expansion project but also revitalizes Enze Machinery's idle assets, resulting in a win-win situation.

At the end of May this year, CIMC Safeway Technologies urgently needed to lease around 5,000 square meters of factory space to support their business expansion. After seeking assistance from the chief service officer of the Gangzha Economic Development Zone, the company quickly received responses containing information on six available idle factory buildings.

The company's nonferrous metal precision manufacturing center project has already been approved, and once the factory space matter is resolved, production can commence by the year's end, according to Zhang Yi, deputy general manager of CIMC Safeway Technologies.

As early as 2016, the Gangzha Economic Development Zone began establishing an enterprise information database. For instance, regarding factory information, the zone not only set up a comprehensive basic ledger but also collaborates with local sub-districts monthly to regularly update information on idle factory spaces available for rent.

Through long-term data collection, construction, and refinement, this information database has evolved into an efficient interactive platform, serving as a valuable tool for assisting enterprises and attracting investment.

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