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Hai’an embraces 50 startup projects


Updated: 2018-05-26


Hai'an holds the fifth "innovation and entrepreneurship in Hai'an" promotion event on May 26, 2018. [Photo/jnews.xhby.net]

Hai'an held the fifth "innovation and entrepreneurship in Hai'an" promotion event on May 26, attracting more than 600 experts from across the country.

A total of 50 projects were signed at the event, including those related to industry-university-research cooperation, introduction of achievements, and talent recruitment by cooperative institutions.

Over the past four years, Hai'an has carried out 913 industry-university-research cooperation projects and 152 hi-tech achievements' transformation projects, and has paid more than 400 million yuan ($58.2 million) in cooperation funds. The approach has paid off, as Hai’an’s new technology industry accounted for more than 50 percent of the city’s output value in 2017, and 47.5 percent of its increase in industrial sales came from industry-university-research cooperation projects. Hai’an has become one of the province's two pilot areas for the comprehensive reform of technology and innovation systems.


Leaders of Hai’an review different projects at the fifth “innovation and entrepreneurship in Hai’an” promotion event on May 26, 2018. [Photo/jnews.xhby.net]

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