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Xinjing Electronics leads in semiconductor packaging and testing

en.nantong.gov.cn| March 27, 2023

Nantong Xinjing Electronics Technology Co Ltd, located in the Chongchuan Economic Development Zone, has made progress in innovative development in recent years.

The company was recently designated the 2022 provincial specialized and sophisticated enterprise.

As a high-tech company that specializes in semiconductor packaging, Xinjing boasts advanced packaging technology that has led both domestic and international markets.

Wu Bin, general manager of the company, explained that the company is the only original equipment manufacturer that services high-end clients in chip packaging and testing.

The company currently owns the package stacking technology of Hall sensor and has broken the monopoly held by foreign brands.

In addition, Xinjing's products have been widely applied in automobiles, new energy, industrial automatic control, brushless motors, information technology, and consumer electronics and have been praised by many clients.

According to the company, it will continue to boost innovative development and strive to become a national first-class enterprise in the packaging and testing of high-end sensors and integrated circuits.


A production machine in Nantong Xinjing Electronics Co Ltd. [Photo/WeChat account: ntjjkfq]