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Post-Shanghai style art exhibition in Nantong showcases vibrant artworks

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: August 12, 2024 L M S

An exhibition featuring post-Shanghai style art pieces is currently being held at the Nantong Art Museum.

This exhibition is part of the 2024 annual communication and promotion funding project of the China National Arts Fund, showcasing over 100 artworks by post-Shanghai style artists focusing on themes such as urban culture, flora and fauna, figures, and pastoral landscapes.

The Shanghai style emerged in the mid-19th century as a group of painters created featured works in Chinese art history. It represents the most dynamic local culture in modern China, showcasing the diverse yet shared creative styles of artists from regions such as Shanghai and Jiangsu. This movement has had a significant influence on modern and contemporary Chinese cultural and artistic expression.

Post-Shanghai style art, as a continuation of the Shanghai style, upholds an open and inclusive attitude. It absorbs and integrates various artistic elements, demonstrating a unique artistic charm that captivates audiences.


Visitors admire post-Shanghai style artworks. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

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