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Efficient customs clearance ensures surge in cotton imports in Rugao


Updated: 2024-06-20


Imported cotton is unloaded from a container at the Nantong branch of China National Cotton Reserve Corporation. [Photo/WeChat account: rugaofabu]

Rugao's cotton imports surpassed 30,000 metric tons over the first five months of this year for the first time, accounting for about 20 percent of Jiangsu province's total imports.

The Nantong branch of China National Cotton Reserve Corporation, located in Rugao, imported over 10,000 tons in the first quarter, and its import volume in 2024 reached the highest level in Nantong in recent years.

The company previously had concerns about the efficiency of customs clearance. However, thanks to measures implemented by Rugao Customs, the entire clearance process has been remarkably efficient and orderly, according to Wang Songqin, the company's head.

To ensure the swift clearance of imported cotton, Rugao Customs has been monitoring the quality of cotton from exporting countries. The authorities promptly provide companies with updates on foreign industry policies and credit ratings of suppliers, guiding enterprises to select qualified suppliers. Additionally, the customs office has strengthened coordination with laboratories to expedite the issuance of reports, enabling goods to enter the market quickly.

"Not only cotton, but the import volume of many bulk commodities has also increased significantly this year. For instance, coal imports have doubled," said Li Xiaozheng, a senior official from the inspection division of Rugao Customs.

The efficient customs procedures and robust support from Rugao Customs have played a crucial role in facilitating the growth of Rugao's import activities, significantly benefiting local enterprises and contributing to the region's economic development.