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Rugao company wins national award for intelligent manufacturing


Updated: 2023-12-08


The factory of China Railway Shanqiao (Nantong) Co Ltd in Rugao, a county-level city of Nantong in Jiangsu province. [Photo/WeChat account: rugaofabu]

China Railway Shanqiao (Nantong) Co Ltd from Rugao, a county-level city of Nantong in Jiangsu province, was recently awarded the title of 2023 Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Factory by five departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

It is the only bridge steel structure intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory in the country to win the honor and the only national intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory in Rugao.

The company has been developing steel bridge manufacturing technology since 2013 and participated in major projects such as the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel and the Changzhou-Taixing Yangtze River Bridge in 2020, mastering advanced technologies such as steel truss girder modular manufacturing and U-shaped rib weld phased array ultrasonic testing.

The company's demonstration factory has built a new model for steel bridge intelligent manufacturing with five production lines and one intelligent control system, which is the most advanced bridge building technology in China. It has promoted the technological transformation and upgrading of the industry and the development of modern steel bridge manufacturing towards information and intelligence.

The 2023 Intelligent Manufacturing Pilot Demonstration Action focuses on four major industries, including raw materials, equipment, consumer goods, and electronic information, and selects excellent scenarios and demonstration factories for intelligent manufacturing, aiming to drive breakthroughs in key technologies, equipment, software, standards and solutions, and explore intelligent transformation.