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Intl Hydrogen Science, Technology Innovation Conference opens in Rugao


Updated: 2023-06-13


The 2023 International Hydrogen Science and Technology Innovation Conference is held in Rugao, a county-level city of Nantong in East China's Jiangsu province. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

The 2023 International Hydrogen Science and Technology Innovation Conference was recently held in Rugao, a county-level city of Nantong in East China's Jiangsu province.

The conference, focusing on the potential of hydrogen energy applications and industrialization paths amid the backdrop of China's dual carbon goals and the innovative development of hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology, was attended by more than 200 guests from the Netherlands, Norway, Germany, the UK and China.

Rugao, with its focus on the development of hydrogen energy, has attracted more than 20 hydrogen energy enterprises. It has built the only national hydrogen energy vehicle research and testing public service platform in the Yangtze River Delta region with detection qualifications.

Rugao has also accelerated the formulation of layouts in many fields, such as hydrogen production equipment, refueling equipment and key components of hydrogen fuel cells.

During the event, experts and scholars gave academic speeches on topics such as hydrogen energy development strategy and research trends and promising paths for hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology.

In addition, agreements for six projects involving hydrogen energy were signed with the Rugao Economic and Technological Development Zone.