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Consumption in CCEDZ on the rise

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2023-04-14

Consumption in the Chongchuan Economic Development Zone is gradually returning to normal levels with the restoration of consumer confidence.

For example, the customer flow in Dayoujing, a commercial complex in the zone, increased 35 percent in the first quarter quarter-on-quarter.

In addition, the customer flow volume of Dayoujing on April 5 was the highest it has been over the past year.

This consumption recovery is the result of a series of activities organized by local authorities and business operators.

In early April, Dayoujing launched its first Natural Life Festival and supermarkets such as RT-Mart and Metro launched sales promotions to attract consumers.

According to local authorities, sales at local supermarkets and the turnover of commercial complexes in the zone this year are better than in the same period of last year.


An activity held in a commercial complex in the Chongchuan Economic Development Zone attracts many people. [Photo/WeChat account: ntjjkfq]


A worker at a supermarket in the zone promotes a product to a costumer. [Photo/WeChat account: ntjjkfq]


A supermarket in the zone launches a sales promotion. [Photo/WeChat account: ntjjkfq]