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RDEDZ boosts innovative development


Updated: 2023-04-06

The Rudong Economic Development Zone in East China's Jiangsu province has been making efforts to boost innovative development in recent years.

One of the efforts taken by local authorities is advancing the establishment of innovative platforms to help aggregate innovative resources for local enterprises.

The zone has established a number of research and development institutions by teaming up with universities and institutes such as Xi'an Jiaotong University and the Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Local authorities have also encouraged cooperation between local enterprises and universities or institutes.

For example, Jiangsu Hanvo Safety Product Co Ltd, a listed company in the zone, has jointly built a research institute with Jiangnan University and signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Official statistics showed that 44 enterprises in the zone last year signed cooperative projects related to industrial research to advance their innovative capability.

The zone has also made efforts to help local enterprises attract talents in scientific research and innovation.

For example, innovative talents in local enterprises will be provided with a living allowance and preferential treatment in health care, administrative service, and matters related to their children's education.

Due to the strong support provided by the authorities, the zone last year added 38 national high-tech enterprises and 11 provincial specialized and sophisticated enterprises.


An aerial view of Jiangsu Hanvo Safety Product Co Ltd in Rudong, a county-level city in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province. [Photo/WeChat account: rudongfb]