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Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University conducts outpatient appointment system

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: July 29, 2021 L M S

The Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University – located in Chongchuan district in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province – issued a notice on July 28 that the outpatient appointment system should be observed from July 29. New cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in Nanjing, capital of the province, require every Nantong resident to be cautious.

People can make a reservation through the WeChat accounts of the Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University (南通大学附属医院, ID: NTDX-FSYY) and the outpatient of the Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University (南通大学附属医院门诊部, ID: gh_3f7cd0c2e70b).

Appointment is also available through the Nantong Medical Insurance (南通医保) App, outpatient rooms, self-service registration machines, and service windows in the hospital.

Elderly who are unable to access the smart services can seek help from medical staff during their appointment and treatment.

People who meet one of the following conditions are not allowed to make a reservation, and should go directly to the fever clinic with personal protection:

People 1) who have traveled or lived abroad or in high-risk areas within 28 days before the date of treatment; 2) who have had contact with returnees from abroad or medium and high-risk areas within 21 days before the date of treatment; 3) who have had two or more cases of fever or respiratory symptoms within 14 days before the date of treatment; 4) who have fever, dry cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, fatigue, myalgia, conjunctivitis, or decreased sense of smell and taste; 5) who work at high-risk sites such as fever clinics, isolated wards, and nucleic acid test sites in a hospital; 6) who engage in the collection and testing of respiratory tract specimens; 7) who engage in international transportation; 8) who need to board foreign ships for work; 9) who are frontline staff of immigration, customs, and market supervision systems; 10) who have engaged in work related to imported cold chain food, or have had direct contact with imported goods at port.

Patients in critical condition can go to the emergency department for treatment, which is open 24 hours a day.

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