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Tongzhou provides easier access to vaccinations


Updated: 2021-07-28


A vehicle equipped with vaccination facilities brings convenience to Tongzhou locals looking to get vaccinated. [Photo/WeChat account: jstzrb]

To better satisfy people's vaccination needs, Tongzhou district in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, recently introduced a mobile vehicle for COVID-19 vaccination, in addition to setting up temporary sites.

The vehicle is equipped with facilities such as medicine refrigerators, computers, printers, code scanners, and disinfection equipment.

Medical staff will inquire on the health conditions of people who want to get vaccinated and determine whether they can receive vaccines.

People who are approved for vaccines will have their information registered and be informed of risks such as possible adverse reactions, on-site observations, and follow-up vaccination matters.

After the vaccination, patients have to stay for a 30-minute observation period before leaving.

According to statistics, 784,400 people in Tongzhou district have been inoculated with over 1.17 million doses of vaccine as of July 21.