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Activity on movable-type printing staged in Chongchuan


Updated: 2020-08-20


A teenager shows his movable-type printing work. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

To enrich youth's summer vacation life, an activity themed on inheriting intangible cultural heritages was staged in the movable-type printing museum in Tangzha sub-district, Chongchuan district on Aug 18. Nearly 30 young people participated in the event.

A staff member from the museum introduced the origin of movable-type printing at the beginning of the event. Movable-type printing was invented by Bi Sheng, an inventor who lived during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). It was one of the most important innovations in printing history and has played a significant role in the development of mankind.

Attracted by the innovative technology, the guests were eager for some personalized experience. With guidance from the museum staff, they finished their own works in five steps – typing, proofreading, inking, printing, and detailing.

"The activity not only exercises our hands-on abilities, but also makes us feel the subtlety of ancient printing technology and the unique charm of intangible cultural heritages," said Xiang Junhao, an eighth grade student in Nantong.