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Food safety exhibition hall in Gangzha proves popular

Updated: 2019-12-18


A science exhibition hall themed on food safety in Gangzha district has attracted a number of visitors since it opened in November. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

A science exhibition hall themed on food safety in Gangzha district, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province has proved to be a popular attraction since it opened in November.

The exhibition hall is the first of its kind in the city. It offers things like popular science exhibitions, reading opportunities, lectures on food safety, and exchange activities.

Visitors can learn the basics of food safety through books and brochures from the reading area or by watching some short videos.

Lectures on food safety are also held regularly by the district's food safety commission office. The lectures are meant to expose common food safety violations and address any relevant public concerns.

Spreading awareness of food safety is a priority of the district government, and public participation is an important part of food safety supervision.

The exhibition hall has become a place to learn about food safety, discuss potential food-related dangers, and showcase the government's food safety achievements.