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New film, TV culture industrial park established in Chongchuan

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: December 13, 2019 L M S

The Nantong Brother Union (BU) Center signed agreements with several local and Shanghai enterprises on Dec 10 to establish a new film and TV culture industrial park in Chongchuan district, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province.

The center, which revolves around the film and TV industries, was made possible through the joint efforts of Chongchuan district and Shanghai BU Group.


The Nantong BU Center signs agreements with several local and Shanghai enterprises on Dec 10 to establish a new film and TV culture industrial park in Chongchuan district. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

In recent years, the district government has been prioritizing the integration of culture and tourism and has attracted several enterprises to its industrial parks. 

This year, a total of 12 projects in Chongchuan district have been listed as Nantong key projects. This is more than any other district or county in the city.

Zhang Weiming, director of the district's publicity department, expressed hope that enterprises operating in the Nantong BU Center would attract more projects and the center would take the opportunity to promote investment in film and TV productions.

The center is expected to integrate film, TV, tourism, exhibitions, and culture by taking advantage of the abundant resources provided by the district.

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