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Gangzha lauded for industrial heritage protection

Updated: 2019-06-18

A seminar on the protection and development of historic industrial towns was held in Gangzha district, Nantong city, on June 15 and 16. 

Architectural preservation experts and scholars from all over China gathered to share ideas and discuss problems related to the protection and renovation of modern industrial towns. They also visited local industrial heritage preservation sites such as Tangzha ancient town.

Tan Yufeng, deputy director of the China Association for the Preservation Technology of Cultural Relics, said that Gangzha district's achievements in cultural heritage protection are remarkable and others should study the successful preservation of Tangzha ancient town. 

Gangzha district, located in the urban area of Nantong city, is a birthplace of national industry in Modern China. Around 100 years ago, entrepreneur and educator Zhang Jian sailed from the district, carrying with him his dream of building a strong industrial country. He established schools, shops, docks, and a number of companies, including the Dasheng Spinning Factory, shaping the industrial area of Tangzha ancient town. 

Gangzha district has always protected historic industrial towns and ancient buildings, with its renovation area reaching 80,000 square meters and investment amount exceeding 1 billion yuan ($144.39 million). 

It has made efforts to turn Tangzha ancient town into a witness of modern industrial civilization and a tourist destination.

Tangzha ancient town currently has dozens of industrial relic sites covering an area of over 200,000 sq m, including the Dasheng Yarn Factory and Oil Factory, as well as several historical and cultural streets such as Xishi Street, Gao'an Street, and Beishi Street. 

The Association for Neoteric Architecture Preservation Technology, a sponsor of the seminar, has long been committed to the research and promotion of theories, techniques, crafts, and materials for the protection of modern architectural heritage sites. It also supports the protection and development of industrial heritage sites in Gangzha district.


Attendees of the seminar on the protection and development of historic industrial towns pose for a group photo in Gangzha district, Nantong city, June 16. [Photo/official WeChat account of Gangzha district government]

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Tangzha ancient town in Gangzha district [Photo/official WeChat account of Gangzha district government]