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Chongchuan rally fires up enthusiasm for tourism festival

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: February 28, 2019 L M S


The government of Chongchuan district in Nantong holds a rally in preparation for the 2019 China Forest Tour Festival, Feb 19. [Photo/chongchuan.gov.cn]

The government of Chongchuan district in Nantong held a rally to prepare for the 2019 China Forest Tour Festival on Feb 19, with officials from departments at all levels in attendance.

Liu Hao, Party secretary of the district, delivered a speech at the meeting, outlining the event plan and emphasizing the significance of hosting the festival.

The festival gives us the opportunity to show off our attractions and raise our profile, said Liu. 

Liu pointed out that Chongchuan, as the main venue of the event, will serve as a window to showcase the city image of Nantong.

The district should grasp the opportunity to improve its landscape, service sector and business environment, promoting its development to a higher level, he argued.


Liu Hao, Party secretary of Chongchuan district, addresses the rally, Feb 19. [Photo/chongchuan.gov.cn]


Government officials take notes during the event, Feb 19. [Photo/chongchuan.gov.cn]

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