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Chongchuan economic zone sets goals for 2019

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: February 25, 2019 L M S

Chongchuan Economic Development Zone aims to attract three projects in 2019 with over 1 billion yuan ($147 million) of investment in each, according to information released at a work meeting in the zone on Feb 15.

An additional five projects with investment above 100 million yuan each and 30 technological R&D and data application projects are expected to be signed in the zone.

The zone should place equal emphasis on the development of modern service and advanced manufacturing industries, said Zhao Yufeng, deputy chief of the Chongchuan district.

He stipulated that innovative and effective measures should be carried out to attract investment from the world's top 500 enterprises, China's top 500 companies and industrial leaders.

The zone's total industrial output reached 20.5 billion yuan in 2018, marking a year-on-year increase of 9.7 percent. Of that amount, high-tech industries accounted for 15.1 billion yuan.

Last year also saw two financial projects and 29 technological R&D and data application projects signed in the zone, with 13 projects with investment above 100 million yuan each starting construction.

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