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Chongchuan district selects outstanding craftsmen

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: August 21, 2018 L M S

Nantong's Chongchuan district announced the results of the first "Chongchuan craftsman" selection on May 28.

It selected ten outstanding craftsmen such as Zhou Xiaodong from Nantong COSCO Shipyard Engineering Co and Xu Jianhua from Nantong Tobacco Filter Co.

Wu Haijun, chairman of the Chongchuan District Federation of Trade Unions, said that after the selection, the Trade Unions will guide the honorary winners to play a leading role in the demonstration and pass on their craft skills.


Officials announce the winners of the "Chongchuan craftsman" selection in Nantong on May 28, 2018. [Photo/ntjoy.com]

If possible, the trade unions will help them establish innovation studios or similar platforms to improve the atmosphere of innovation and the overall quality of the workforce, and cultivate more skilled and innovative personnel for Chongchuan district.

Meanwhile, the winners will be included in the model publicity camp. They will bring the craftsman spirit of loving their work and pursuing perfection to enterprises, schools, communities and institutions through public talks.

The trade unions focus on improving the skill level and innovation ability of employees, and carry out various skill competitions and displays of employees' scientific and technological innovation throughout the year to improve worker quality.


Chongchuan district holds a news conference to announce the results of the first "Chongchuan craftsman" selection in Nantong on May 28, 2018. [Photo/ntjoy.com]

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