Home>New Quality Productive Forces in NETDA

New quality productive forces | RoboTechnik leads in providing PV cell production equipment

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: April 29, 2024 L M S


RoboTechnik's factory in NETDA. [Photo/RoboTechnik]

Thanks to its factory in the Nantong Economic and Technological Development Area (NETDA), RoboTechnik leads the world in providing photovoltaic cell production equipment.

The factory's R²Fab software platform system allows the networking of production equipment and the real-time uploading of data. It is capable of completing tasks such as quality control and big data analysis, reducing labor costs by 40 to 50 percent.

Over the past several years, the factories of leading PV enterprises in China have all employed the solutions offered by RoboTechnik to produce PV cells, and RoboTechnik's equipment has been exported to the United States, Singapore, and Europe.

Relying on the 200-person R&D team of RoboTechnik's headquarters, the Nantong factory is expanding its operations to encompass the entire process of PV cell production, as well as upstream and downstream industries.

The company will closely follow the iteration of PV cells to launch competitive and highly efficient integrated solutions.

RoboTechnik, the world's top PV intelligent enterprise, built the Nantong factory in 2019. It began operating in 2021 and is now capable of producing 1,000 pieces of flexible intelligent manufacturing equipment per year with the help of industrial internet technology. This year, the factory is expected to generate 800 million yuan ($110.40 million) in output.

There are plans for the Nantong factory to enter the optoelectronics and semiconductor high-end equipment industries in the future and set up an R&D team, according to Li Weibin, vice-president of RoboTechnik.


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