
Three years of library in NETDA: A cultural pageant

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: November 17, 2023 L M S

In a harmonious blend of literature and urban development, the Nantong Economic and Technological Development Area celebrated the third anniversary of the opening of its library on Nov 7. Reflecting the city's soul through cultural enrichment, the area has steadfastly pursued cultural confidence, fostering a dynamic atmosphere of cultural prosperity among the public.

Emphasizing high-quality development, the area has made considerable investments in upgrading public cultural spaces and creating spaces such as urban libraries and reading bars. These spaces, numbering 39 recognized book rooms and bars, have become a network for diverse public cultural activities, covering schools, communities, and enterprises, satisfying the multifaceted spiritual and cultural needs of the people.

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Various activities, including art gallery by children, are held in NETDA. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_78ba52d6e1ed]

Cultural activities, though many traditionally inherited, were held in an innovative and interactive form, making traditions like New Year Blessings flourish again. Various forms of culture become an integral part of people's lives throughout the year. Notably, over 10 events, including the city's family reading activity and the area's children's art festival, achieved an online viewership of over 100,000.

The in-depth integration of culture and tourism has made development area a more appealing place to visit. Recognized scenic routes and events such as the Laohonggang riverside scenic trail have elevated the area's profile, drawing attention to its ecological, leisure, and tourism industries.

Culminating in a creative peak, the area's literary and artistic works, from songs to operas, received accolades, reinforcing the zone's commitment to cultural construction.

Looking ahead, the area aims to sustain this momentum, leveraging cultural bonds for continued integration and development, transforming resources, beautifying landscapes, and strengthening industries. The vision is to create a vibrant cultural tapestry that resonates with the community, epitomizing its commitment to high-quality cultural development.


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Economic & Technological Development Area.
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