Useful numbers
Fire emergency: +86-513-119
Police: +86-513-110
Emergency center: +86-513-120
Highway customer service: +86-513-96196
Travel advisory services: +86-513-12301
Complaints: +86-513-85098110
Hotline for the Nantong municipal government: +86-513-12345
Nantong airport inquiry office: +86-513-86560050
Nantong airport ticket office: +86-513-85228989
Air transportation ticket office of Xindongfang Co: +86-513-83559868
Nantong railway station inquiry office: +86-513-80141711
Nantong bus terminal inquiry office: +86-513-83512816
United ticket office for Nantong passenger transport: +86-513-85513881
Nantong-Zhangjiagang motor ferry: +86-513-85545330
Information desk of Nantong-Changshu motor ferry: +86-513-9688998
Weather forecast: +86-513-96121
Time inquiry service: +86-513-12117
Telephone directory assistance: +86-513-114
Waterworks hotline: +86-513-85595599
Power company repair center: +86-513-85162206
Street lamp administration office (west end): +86-513-85512333
Street lamp administration office (east end): +86-513-85230075
Gas maintenance station: +86-513-85516838
Telephone communication:
China Telecom: +86-513-10000
China Unicom: +86-513-10010
China Mobile: +86-513-10086
- Investment Hotlines