Water supply: water is taken from Yangtze River estuary and, after processing, can provide 350,000 cubic meters per day through the city's pipe network.
Water draining: complete drainage system featuring collection, transport, processing and discharging.
Sewage treatment: Yimin sewage plant engages in domestic sewage treatment while Sutian sewage plant is responsible for industrial sewage treatment.
Natural gas: it is provided by China Resources Gas and Zhongdun Energy Co Ltd with absolute density of 0.719 kg/m³ and delivery pressure of 2,000 Pa.
Heat supply: steam is provided by China Huadian Corporation with heating capacity of 500,000 tons per year. Its delivery steam pressure is between 0.8 and 1.13 MPa and its temperature ranges from 280 C to 310 C.
Power supply: electricity adheres to a provincial uniform price. Nantong National High-tech Industrial Development Zone has full electric power with no rationing. Enterprises can add distribution boxes if necessary.
Cable television: Nantong National High-tech Industrial Development Zone has been fully equipped with cable TV networks.
Roadway: there are 10 roads in the zone with total length of 29 kilometers. The main road has four to six lanes.
Communications: there are 250,000 computerized telephones, and broadband and cable networks.
Land: Before construction on the project starts, the land is flat and levelled.