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Sijie and Xinanying blocks aim to become Nantong cultural landmarks

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2024-08-09

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A view of the Sijie and Xinanying historical and cultural blocks. [Photo provided to en.nantong.gov.cn]

The Sijie and Xinanying historical and cultural blocks are the only remaining clusters of traditional residential buildings in the ancient city of Nantong.

Since 2016, the city's Chongchuan district has initiated the restoration, preservation, and revitalization of these historic buildings. Restoration projects for buildings like Jin Cangjiang's former residence and Nanguandimiao Lane have already been completed.

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Jin Cangjiang Memorial Hall. [Photo provided to en.nantong.gov.cn]

The ancient blocks are now poised to become a new cultural landmark in Nantong.

The Jin Cangjiang Memorial Hall was the former residence of Jin Cangjiang (1850-1927), one of four literary giants in South Korea. As early as 2020, Chongchuan's cultural and tourism bureau took the lead in promoting the restoration project of the memorial hall, which was officially opened to the public in 2021.

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Visitors tour the Jin Cangjiang Memorial Hall. [Photo provided to en.nantong.gov.cn]

Next to the Jin Cangjiang Memorial Hall stands the largest cluster of ancient buildings in the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) – the provincial-level cultural heritage site of Ming and Qing dynasty residences in Nanguandimiao Lane.

The housing complex consists of 23 individual buildings covering an area of approximately 3,800 square meters and embodying the typical characteristics of traditional residential architecture in the city – "one courtyard, five halls".

In the 18.57-hectare expanse of the Sijie and Xinanying historical and cultural blocks, the total area of immovable cultural relics under the supervision of the cultural relics department spans about 4.87 hectares, accounting for 26 percent of the total area.

Xu Jianjun, deputy director of Chongchuan's cultural and tourism bureau, noted, "The bureau will systematically promote the protection and revitalization of the historical blocks as well as their sustainable development and prosperity."