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Digital technologies strengthen Haimen's agricultural industry


Updated: 2024-05-31


A digital chicken breeding farm in Haimen district, Nantong, Jiangsu province. [Photo/nyjoy.com]

Haimen district in Nantong, Jiangsu province has seen a significant increase in the implementation of digital applications across field crop cultivation, livestock breeding, and aquaculture in recent years.

These technological advancements are accelerating the modernization of agriculture in the district, noted a local official.

In Daoxiang village, the wheat fields were originally low-lying and prone to waterlogging. However, in 2023, a digital farm was established, transforming the landscape. Since then, the wheat fields have thrived, showing no signs of Fusarium head blight.

Lu Hongbo, Party secretary of the village, explained that the wheat is flourishing thanks to an intelligent system used on the fields. Technicians use this digital system for remote consultations, creating personalized prescriptions for the village. This shift has enabled a remarkable transformation from relying on weather conditions for harvests to practicing smart farming.

Last year, Touqiao village installed a comprehensive digital system that integrates water quality monitoring, small-scale agricultural environmental meteorological monitoring, and intelligent IoT management.

This system not only displays real-time environmental data but also provides comprehensive risk warnings for aquaculture, live video streaming, historical data review, and information push notifications.

Additionally, Jinghai Group has equipped its breeding farm with an IoT system, an automatic environmental control system, an automatic egg collection and feeding system, and a wet curtain cooling system, among other advanced technologies.

These digital innovations are enhancing the efficiency and productivity of Haimen's agricultural industry while paving the way for a more sustainable and intelligent future in farming, according to authorities.