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Tiexing Bridge

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2023-01-05

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The name of Tiexing Bridg is seen on the bridge. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]

Tiexing Bridge in Chongchuan, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, used to be called Tieqian (Iron Coin) Bridge as iron coins in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) can be found in the bridge.

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Both of sides of the Tiexing Bridge are grown with flourishing plants. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]

In 1970, Tiexing Bridge was renovated into a reinforced concrete bridge and 17 years later, the bridge was rebuilt again after it was smashed by a shipping fleet.

Both of sides of the bridge are grown with flourishing plants, making it a pleasant place to loiter away in hot summer after lunch.


Landscape on one side of the Tiexing Bridge in Chongchuan. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]

The small garden beside the bridge is also frequented by local residents.

To the south of the bridge stands the office building of the Chongchuan district government, to the east is the Yuelong Middle School, while to the north it borders the social management and service center of Chongchuan district.