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Tongzhou village moves steadily towards rural revitalization


Updated: 2021-10-28


The rural revitalization program of Dushiyuan village steadily progresses and living standards are improved as a result. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

Dushiyuan village, located in Shigang town – administered by Tongzhou district in Nantong, in East China's Jiangsu province – is a village that is reportedly being cultivated as a model for rural revitalization.

In recent years it has moved along a development path that has integrated agriculture, commerce and tourism by virtue of its abundant resources in the form of rural roads, waterways and wetlands.

Dushiyuan village has cooperated with the Xunwei Hai'an (meaning seeking flavors in Hai'an) – an agricultural products transactions platform developed by the county-level city of Hai'an in Nantong – and developed a WeChat mini program to sell its agricultural specialties.

"The turnover of agricultural products reached 189,700 yuan ($29,655.9) since the mini program went online less than a month ago," said Zhen Yongzhong, general Party branch secretary of Dushiyuan village.

The village also invested 200,000 yuan to build an agricultural products exhibition center, currently being decorated and which will be launched soon.

On completion, the center will serve as a display area for local agricultural specialties. Plans are for the village to increase its cooperation with Xunwei Hai'an, to expand sales channels through livestreaming and other means to boost the incomes of farmers, according to Zhen.

Dushiyuan village is also prioritizing improvements to the living conditions of locals. It has established a special property management team, to manage and maintain public facilities and the environment of the several relocated residential communities within its jurisdiction – an initiative which has reportedly been warmly received by residents.