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Nantong museum included in national red tourism routes

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2021-06-03


The monument at the Suzhong Seven Battles Seven Victories Museum in Hai'an, Nantong [Photo/ntjoy.com]

The Suzhong Seven Battles Seven Victories Museum in Hai'an, Nantong was included in one of the 100 national red tourism routes released on May 31, local media outlets reported.

The routes were launched by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of the China Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee's Party History Research Center, and the National Development and Reform Commission to celebrate the CPC's centenary.

The Suzhong Seven Battles Seven Victories Museum was built in 1986 to mark the seven victories of the Chinese People's Liberation Army during seven battles against Kuomintang forces from July 13 to Aug 27, 1946.

It is a national 3A scenic area and consists of a monument, an exhibition hall, and a national defense park, covering a total area of more than two hectares.

The monument, shaped like a bayonet, was designed by Qi Kang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a professor at Southeast University.

The exhibition hall features seven rifle-like pillars which symbolize the seven victories and reproduces the revolutionary history through sculptures, videos, and other modern technology.

The national defense park displays a number of weapons such as cannons, tanks, and missiles that the PLA used in different periods.