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Explore the mountains of Nantong

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2020-09-10

Autumn is an ideal time to go hiking in the mountains as the temperatures during this time of the year make for a pleasant travel experience.

Among the five mountains in Nantong, Langshan Mountain and Junshan Mountain are the most popular as they boast splendid scenes of nature and advanced traveling facilities.

Langshan Mountain, the top choice of the five mountains, is home to the national 4A-level scenic spot Langshan National Forest Park. Standing 109 meters above sea level, the mountain is famous for its Buddhist culture.

Temples dating back to hundreds of years ago can be found on the mountain, with Guangjiao Temple being the largest. The temple's iconic Zhiyun Pagoda was built during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).

Another attraction is Wangjiang Pavilion located on the southeastern side of the mountain that offers the best views of the Yangtze River.

Located not far from the pavilion is the temporary imperial palace that was used by Qing Emperor Kangxi (1654-1722). It is also one of the best places in Nantong to admire the full moon.

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Picturesque scenery at Langshan Mountain in Nantong [Photo/WeChat account: gotonantong]

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