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Nantong promotes culture, tourism in Wuhan

chinadaily.com.cn Updated: 2019-12-09


Wu Pengfei, a national-level tourist guide, introduces Yuantuojiao scenic spot in Qidong, a county-level city in Nantong, Jiangsu province, during a promotional conference held in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Dec 5. [Photo/nantong.gov.cn]

A promotional conference on Nantong's cultural and tourism attractions was held on Dec 5 in Wuhan, capital of Central China's Hubei province.

More than 150 government officials and representatives from scenic spots, travel agencies, and media outlets attended the event to promote communication and cooperation.

Wu Pengfei, a national-level tourist guide, briefed attendees on Nantong's geography, history, culture, natural scenery, and cuisine.

During the activity, the Nantong culture, broadcasting, television and tourism bureau partnered with Wuhan travel agencies to send thousands of tour groups to Nantong.

As a historical city in the Yangtze River Delta region, Nantong is home to 52 national A-level tourist attractions, four provincial-level resorts, and 83 rural travel destinations.

In recent years, the local government has been focusing on the integrated development of culture and tourism. The added value of the city's culture industry totaled 43 billion yuan ($6.11 billion) in 2018, with the number of tourists and tourism revenue both rising more than 15 percent.