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Rugao bronze bowl sets Guinness World Record

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2021-07-09


The world's biggest bronze bowl in the China Longevity Park in Rugao, Nantong. [Photo/CFP]

In the China Longevity Park in Rugao, Nantong stands the world's biggest bronze bowl, which was inducted into the Guinness World Records in 2011.

Measuring 3.16 meters in diameter and 1.69 meters in height, the bowl was created to celebrate Rugao's recognition as a "world longevity area" by the International Natural Medicine Association in 2011.

The exterior of the bowl features 10,000 inscriptions of the Chinese character "寿" (longevity) in distinct styles, while the base is decorated with the palm prints of 100 local centenarians.

As of Jan 1, 2021, Rugao had 525 residents aged 100 and older, including 16 centenarians aged 105 or above. 

Among its 1.4 million permanent population, 68,031 people were aged 80 and above, and 10,150 were aged 90 and above. Its aging population is much larger than the country's average.