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Busy port drives wind power growth in Rudong


Updated: 2021-07-01


Giant machines work to move heavy offshore wind power equipment at the Xiaoyangkou wind power homeport in Rudong county, Nantong.  [Photo/WeChat account: rudongfb]

The throughput of heavy equipment at the Xiaoyangkou wind power homeport in Rudong county, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, reached 844,000 tons from January to May this year, exceeding the total shipment volume of last year.

In addition, construction on the first domestic homeport for the offshore wind power industry has basically been completed.

The port is meant to support the entire wind power industrial chain by providing services such as raw material supply, warehousing, transportation, operation, and maintenance for finished goods.

Ships employed by wind power project construction and maintenance units can berth and obtain supplies at the homeport. Boats run up to 20 times a day to serve them at the docks.

The core functional area of the port's first phase has been completed and allows ships of up to 5,000 tons to go to sea in any weather, according to Qian Tizhi, one of the persons in charge at the Xiaoyangkou wind power homeport.

The Xiaoyangkou wind power industrial park is currently under construction in Yangkou town, with the port at its core. Its service is expected to cover the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Shandong provinces, and extend to cover Shanghai and Zhejiang province to the south. It is expected to become a national hub for the development of new energy.