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Qidong-made containers serve Antarctic region

chinadaily.com.cn Updated: 2019-12-11

Special containers, produced by Qidong branch of Shanghai Universal Logistics Equipment Co, were recently shipped to Chinese research stations in Antarctic.

The containers look just like regular containers on the outside, but have some significant differences on the inside. They will be used as equipment control rooms, store rooms, and restrooms.

Chen Jianjun, deputy general manager of the company, said that all equipment inside the containers is resistant to corrosion and the cold. All containers are equipped with emergency lights, fire-fighting gear, and fireproof emergency escape doors.

In addition, smoke detectors and audible warning systems installed in the containers are all capable of operating at low temperatures.


Special containers, produced by Qidong branch of Shanghai Universal Logistics Equipment Co, are recently shipped to Chinese research stations in Antarctic. [Photo/ntjoy.com]

The company received its first order for the special containers in September and struggled at first due to the complicated design and long amount of time needed to procure the proper materials.

In the end, the containers proved a success and received high praise from clients.